Hearing loss warning signs

Hearing loss warning signs

Hearing loss generally develops slowly over many years. At first, you may not even notice that you are losing your hearing. Often relatives, friends or colleagues are the first to realize that something is wrong.
But early detection is important to maintain your quality of life. Here are some things to look for if you think you might have hearing loss.

  • Do you ask people to repeat themselves because you have trouble following conversations, especially in a noisy room?

  • Do sounds and speech sound muffled to you?

  • Do you struggle to hear consonants like “s,” “h” and “f” when someone is speaking to you?

  • Do people ask you to turn down the volume of your TV or radio program?

  • Do you find it difficult to understand phone conversations clearly?

  • Do you often feel exhausted after social gatherings or try to avoid them because listening is such an effort?

  • Do you follow conversations better when you are able to look at the person talking to you for visual cues?

  • Do you sometimes experience a faint-to-loud buzzing, ringing or humming in your ears?


A “yes” to any of these questions means that you might have hearing loss. But don’t worry; hearing loss is not something simply to be endured. You can – and should – do something about it.

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Hearing aids – the earlier, the better

Many find it hard to come to terms with the idea of wearing hearing aids. They put off the decision and only do something about it when the problems associated with poor hearing become too much to handle.

Still, the earlier you do something about hearing loss, the better. Even when hearing is just starting to decrease, hearing aids help to maintain neural pathways in your brain responsible for hearing all the sounds around you. The longer you put off hearing aids, the longer it might take for you to get used to them when you do finally wear them.

More about hearing aids

Understanding hearing loss

Possible impacts of untreated hearing loss:

  • Decreased attention
  • Difficulty understanding speech
  • Trouble communicating with others
  • Memory loss
  • Less willing to embrace the unknown
  • Declining job performance
  • Lack of acknowledgement by others
  • Irritability, stress, depression
  • Withdrawal from social life, isolation

Don't take unnecessary risks

Hearing loss can occur in all parts of the ear; disorders of the outer or middle ear can often be treated with medication or surgery. However, around 80% of hearing loss cases are caused by damage in the inner ear, and most cases of inner ear haring loss are not treatable with medication or surgery. Fortunately, modern hearing aids can significantly improve hearing for most people with inner ear hearing loss. It is important to get your hearing checked by a Hearing Care Professional because untreated hearing loss can damage your overall health and well-being. 
Health risks of untreated hearing loss

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FAQs about hearing loss symptoms

Hearing loss can occur at any age, but it is more common in older adults. 
Yes. Age-related hearing loss, also known as presbycusis, is a common condition that affects many older adults.
To protect your hearing, avoid loud noise exposure, wear hearing protection when necessary, and have regular hearing tests. If you suspect that you have hearing loss, see a hearing care professional for further evaluation.
Yes, hearing loss can be treated, with hearing aids being the most popular form of treatment. Early treatment can help you hear better and improve your quality of life.

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