My WellBeing uses your hearing aid's sensors
for a wide range of health measurements and four important health indicators.
Be happy and independent
Be happy and independent
View step count
Monitor activity level
Track hearing aid use
Track social interactions
Rest assured that all My WellBeing data is only visible in the app and not accessible to anyone else. For a clear view of how healthy hearing and physical activity can help you.
For a clear view of how healthy hearing and physical activity can help you Be Brilliant, contact your local hearing care provider today.
1 Acree, L. S., Longfors, J., Fjeldstad, A. S., Fjeldstad, C., Schank, B., Nickel, K. J., Montgomery, P. S., & Gardner, A. W. (2006). Physical activity is related to quality of life in older adults. Health and quality of life outcomes, 4, 37.
2 Alessio, H. M., & Marron, K. H. (2014) Fitness and Better Hearing, Part 1. Hearing Review, 21(3): 18-24
3 Larsen, R. T., Wagner, V., Korfitsen, C. B., Keller, C., Juhl, C. B., Langberg, H., & Christensen, J. (2022). Effectiveness of physical activity monitors in adults: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ, 376, e068047.