International Repair Service

International Repair Service

Worldwide service for Signia behind-the-ear and receiver-in-canal hearing aids (custom-made hearing aids excluded)

The International Repair enables you to receive repair services for your Signia hearing aids in 26 countries around the world.

Furthermore, the International Repair Service is rendered free of charge provided the Signia product is within warranty. If a Signia product is outside of warranty, Signia applies its standard repair charges.

This International Repair Service provides you with a global customer service support giving you that extra peace of mind about your Signia hearing aid device when traveling abroad.


Terms & Conditions

  • International Repair Service is subject to the same terms & conditions of the warranty agreement provided directly by Signia;
  • Product types that can benefit from the International Repair Service are Signia non-custom hearing aids (behind-the-ear and receiver-in-canal), external receiver units, and accessories;
  • International Repair Service is provided free of charge by Signia if the product requested for repair is within the warranty agreement; However, Signia is not responsible for any additional fees charged by the hearing care professional for fitting, handling or any other kind of local service;
  • If the Signia product is out of warranty, Signia applies its own standard repair charges;
  • Customer’s turnaround time may vary depending on product availability in local conditions.

International Repair Service Step-by-Step


You discover that your hearing aid is not working properly.


Use our Store Locator to find a hearing care professional nearby. Visit the hearing care professional to place a request for repair.


Your hearing care professional will contact the Signia customer service team for approval first. Signia as the manufacturer has to validate the product warranty and local limitations (if any) to render this service. The hearing care professional will inform you within 24 hours about the manufacturer’s decision regarding the eligibility of your request.


If the product is eligible, visit the same hearing care professional to handover your hearing aid. Please note: The hearing care professional may charge a fee for fitting, handling or any other kind of local service to be able to process your request.


The hearing care professional will inform you as soon as your repaired hearing aid is finished. Please visit the hearing care professional to collect your device.

Available in the following countries

Europe: Germany, France, Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Norway, Poland, Switzerland,  United Kingdom, Russia, Austria

Asia: China, Japan, Singapore, India, Turkey, South Korea

North America: United States, Canada

South America:

Oceania: Australia, New Zealand

Africa: South Africa

FAQs International Repair Service 

Signia offers the International Repair Service free of charge if your Signia product is still within its original Signia warranty. If it is not, this service can still be rendered internationally, but Signia’s repair charges apply. 
Yes, this service can still be rendered internationally, but Signia’s repair charges apply. 
Use our store locator to find a hearing care professional near you.

International repairs/replacements are estimated to take between 5 to 7 business days (if no further hearing test is required by the hearing care professional handling your international repair request). 
All hearing care professionals are incentivized by this service. However, a few hearing care professionals prefer to keep their service exclusive to their own regular customers. In such a scenario, use our Store Locactor to search for an other hearing care professional or contact us directly.

Contact us
Approval of an international repair request takes between 1-2 business days.
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