
Signia Delivers a Brilliant Fit for Veterans, Active Military, and Native Americans

We recognize that many of our veterans and active military have hearing loss related to bravery and the contributions made to secure our freedom. Now it’s our turn to secure your freedom and help you experience life to the fullest.

We offer a full range of hearing aids and accessories through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to those eligible for VA services and benefits. You don't have to experience the frustration and isolation of hearing loss or the aggravation of tinnitus anymore. Contact your local VA to schedule an appointment for a hearing test

Improving hearing for vets and those still serving

Anyone who has served in a branch of the armed services can attest to the frequency and volume of noise exposure military personnel experience. Some of the most common sources include the following:

  • Explosives
  • Artillery fire
  • Jet/ship engine noise and vibrations
  • Helicopter rotors
  • Construction tools, machinery, and equipment

Assistance for veterans with hearing loss and tinnitus

If you're a veteran who wishes to get your hearing tested, register via the health administration/enrollment section of the VA medical center of your choice. This can be done in person, online by filling out Form 10-10EZ, or by mailing a completed Form 10-10EZ to your chosen VA medical center. For details on the eligibility of enrolled veterans for hearing service coverage, visit the website on medical benefits

After registering, request a referral to an audiology and speech pathology clinic from your VA primary care provider. If an audiological evaluation reveals you require hearing aids or other assistive devices, they will be provided at no charge. Your audiologist will explain how to order batteries, wax guards, and other hearing aid accessories during your consultation, as these and future repairs will also be covered by your VA benefits. 

Plan to bring the following documentation to your appointment:

  • Copy of your Veteran's DD214 (Service Record) 
  • Current driver's license
  • Relevant health insurance information 

Contact your local VA to schedule an appointment for a hearing test today

95% of wearers showed improved performance in a group conversation* with Signia Integrated Xperience

Signia Integrated Xperience (IX) Hearing Aids 

Finally, a hearing aid built for real conversations. Unleash the power of conversation with Signia Integrated Xperience. Every word you say, every laugh you share, and every story you tell enhances all life's essential moments. This is about more than just hearing better. It is about giving you the confidence to engage, interact, and contribute, especially in noisy group conversations. Do not just observe from the sidelines. Dive into the conversation.
Discover Integrated Xperience


The only custom one-mic hearing aid with binaural directionality. 

  • CIC and IIC models 
  • Advanced clarity
  • Binaural OneMic Directionality 2.0
Explore Insio IX IIC/CIC

NEW! Styletto IX

Keep the conversation flowing without compromising on style. 

  • 11 distinctive colors
  • Newly upgraded
  • Personalized control via app
  • Future-proof connectivity
Discover Syletto IX

Pure Charge&Go T IX

Our ground-breaking Integrated Xperience architecture in a small and sleek RIC device. 

  • Natural, effortless conversations
  • Instant comfort and clarity
  • Powered for all-day conversation
  • Tailored to your hearing experience
  • Future-proof connectivity
Explore Pure Charge&Go T IX

94% of wearers report excellent speech understanding with Signia AX*

Signia Augmented Xperience (AX) Hearing Aids

Signia AX changes the way you hear the world. It uses our revolutionary Augmented Focus™ technology to split the sound of speech from surrounding sounds, process them separately and create a clear contrast. It then recombines them to give you outstanding speech clarity in a fully immersive environment. No more straining to discern speech from background noise.

Learn More About AX

My WellBeing

With the release of our Signia Integrated Xperience (IX) and Signia Augmented Xperience (AX) technology has improved to include CallControl for HandsFree for iOS and My WellBeing, a tool to help you track your activity, hearing aid wear time, and more, all in the Signia app! These features are available in all Signia IX and AX hearing aids.

Discover The Signia App

Click the map to locate a VA facility near you

* Niels Sogaard Jensen, Barinder Samra, Homayoun Kamkar Parsi, Sascha Bilert, Brian Taylor, September 2023.

* Jensen NS, Pischel C, Taylor B. Upgrading the performance of Signia AX with Auto EchoShield and Own Voice Processing 2.0. Signia White Paper. 2022

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