What is Notch Therapy, and How Does It Help with Tinnitus?
Many consider Notch Therapy to be the future of tinnitus treatment, but what is this method, and what does it do?
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For those who experience tinnitus, relief is all they want. When you can't find silence even in quiet moments, it can grate on your mental, emotional, and physical health. While static noise and ocean wave therapies have offered solace for some people, others might find these methods distracting, unreliable, or flat-out ineffective.
This is where Notch Sound Therapy comes in - a completely new form of tinnitus therapy that works to eliminate the ringing, not mask it. If you or a loved one struggles with tinnitus, Notch therapy might be the treatment necessary to overcome it.
In this article, we'll go over what tinnitus is, what it does to your health, and how Notch therapy might be the tinnitus help you need.
What is Tinnitus?
Many people know tinnitus as a persistent ring or hum in the ears. However, the sound can take many forms, including roaring or hissing. The sound might change in quality, or remain completely the same. Many people report that their tinnitus keeps the same tone the entire time and never changes.
While many consider tinnitus a condition on its own, tinnitus is usually a symptom. Many people who suffer from tinnitus actually have another condition like sensorineural hearing loss or Meniere's disease. In order to treat tinnitus properly, the base condition must be determined.
While not everyone with tinnitus suffers from hearing loss, many of them do. This is why it's important to get your hearing tested when trying to discover the root of your tinnitus. If you do have a form of hearing loss, fixing that issue can also help with problems that might have previously gone unrecognized.
It's important to catch tinnitus before it begins to affect your life. Otherwise, the effects of tinnitus can grow into conditions of their own.
The Effects of Untreated Tinnitus
When left untreated, tinnitus can wreak havoc on your health. While a humming sound might seem like a small problem, it can have a massive impact. Depending on the volume, it can drown out other sounds and hinder concentration, relaxation, and sleep.
Tinnitus can affect almost every aspect of your life, from your conversations to your sleeping habits. You might struggle to work, enjoy music, meditate, or fall asleep. Even if you are able to ignore the sound, you might feel mentally fatigued and physically exhausted by the end of the day.
Spending every day battling tinnitus can drain your enjoyment of life and complicate aspects of your life like work, socializing, and hobbies. This can lead to anxiety and depression, which are serious mental illnesses.
If you or a loved one might be suffering from untreated tinnitus, consider seeking help. You can find more information about the benefits of getting diagnosed here.
When tinnitus begins to affect your daily life, it's time to begin considering treatment. For some, this might involve sound therapy.
An Introduction to Notch Sound Therapy
Notch therapy is a new form of sound therapy geared towards those with tonal tinnitus, the most common form of tinnitus. In 65% of cases, those with tonal tinnitus reported a marked improvement after beginning Notch therapy. Their experiences show that Notch therapy is a worthwhile avenue of treatment, and it might be the solution for over half the current population suffering from tinnitus.
That begs the question: how does Notch Sound Therapy work, and how can we better introduce this therapy?
The concept behind Notch Therapy is not to "drown out" tinnitus, but to teach the brain how to ignore it completely. The frequency of your tinnitus is targeted, and amplification of the sound is "turned down" and relegated to background noise, making it easier for your brain to ignore. This way, you don't waste energy actively trying to shut out the sound and can focus your energy and concentration on other things.
Unlike ocean wave and static noise sound therapies, this method is done inaudibly, so you might not even realize that you're going through tinnitus sound therapy.
Why Signia Is The Leader in Tinnitus Treatment
Many people assume that hearing aids are only for those with hearing loss. While this is true in most cases, hearing aids for tinnitus is a concept that Signia aims to build upon. By incorporating tinnitus Notch Therapy into its hearing aids, Signia has expanded the possibilities for integrated treatment.
For those who already need hearing aids, the inclusion of Notch Therapy bundles two necessities into one device. This simplifies their treatment and allows them more opportunities to use Notch Therapy. This way, they can move around and complete other tasks while still benefiting from the treatment.
Debates over how to treat tonal tinnitus are usually limited to tinnitus maskers and other forms of therapy. However, hearing aids equipped with Notch Therapy might turn the tide for those who failed to find relief with other methods.
The Benefits of Notch Therapy
- Unobtrusive. Notch Therapy works by reducing the annoyance caused by tinnitus. No distracting sounds or static are required.
- Portable. When used in tandem with hearing aids, wearers can continue their day without being hindered by their treatment.
- Faster results. Many of those who use Notch Therapy regularly report results in weeks or months.
- Better hearing. When the persistent tone of tinnitus is absent, many people find themselves picking up on sounds they previously missed. This might include the quality of people's voices, certain layers in musical tracks, and even the sounds of nature.
- Possibility for permanence. Because Notch Therapy relegates the sound of tinnitus to the background, long-term use might train the brain to block out the sounds normally. This could lead to their tinnitus being "cured", in a sense.
- Better quality of life. When people are able to sleep, socialize, focus, and relax without the background noise of tinnitus, they're less likely to suffer from mental illness and exhaustion. They might find themselves enjoying life much more than they did pre-therapy.