Signia TeleCare
 Get extra support on the spot

Signia TeleCare
 Get extra support on the spot

Signia TeleCare enables you to keep in touch with your hearing care professional, so you get extra support on the spot when you need it.

The hearing professional in your pocket


Signia App 在您需要聽力照護專家時,透過智慧型手機即可遠端即時支援。


Easy communication with your hearing care professional via the Signia app

By tapping the menu “Professional”, you will see the name of your HCP at the top and the chat bar at the bottom. Via this menu you can enter and send a chat message to your HCP. You can also see the messages that you receive from them.

By clicking the “info” (i) button next to the name of your HCP, you can access further contact options and information like opening hours, phone number, e-mail and contact address.


Get problems solved wherever you are

It’s not always easy to make time for face-to-face appointments with your hearing care professional. That’s why TeleCare lets you solve issues without having to visit your hearing care professional – they can send you a new setting for your hearing aids remotely. This new setting will appear in the chat menu where you can apply the new setting.

You also have the possibility to arrange a virtual appointment where your hearing care professional can start a video call, establish a remote connection to your hearing aids and adjust the settings instantly as if you were meeting them in person.

Signia app virtual appointment

Get the best out of your hearing aids

Informing your hearing care professional regularly about your level of satisfaction increases the quality of the support you get and ensures that you get the best out of your hearing aids. By tapping the menu “Satisfaction”, you can rate your daily satisfaction. Choose one of the 5 smileys and share this information with your hearing care professional. This data allows them to understand your needs and support you.


Improve your hearing experience

TeleCare also provides convenient, interactive lessons giving you the opportunity of getting used to your new hearing aids at your own pace. By tapping on the menu “Hearing Lessons”, you can find the lessons that have been assigned by your hearing care professional in line with your individual hearing situation and your needs. Completing the Hearing Lessons ensures that your hearing care professional can understand your experience better.
Signia app hearing lessons

Please note: To take advantage of TeleCare in your Signia app, a separate activation is needed. Please contact your hearing care professional for further information.

Find a hearing care professional near you with our Store Locator.

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